20th Century Galician Prose: A Literary Renaissance

The Irmandades da Fala and the Rise of Galician Narrative

The first third of the 20th century witnessed a flourishing of Galician prose, marked by the emergence of distinct literary groups. The Irmandades da Fala (Brotherhood of Speech), a cultural and political movement advocating for the Galician language, played a crucial role in this renaissance. Many members of the Irmandades, such as Xosé Lesta Meis, Leandro Carré Alvarellos, Xaime Quintanilla, and Armando Cotarelo Valledor, focused on writing poetry and theater, although their prose contributions also hold significance.

The Grupo Nós: Defining Contemporary Galician Prose

The Grupo Nós (Our Group) emerged as a pivotal force in shaping contemporary Galician prose. This group, comprising Vicente Risco, Ramón Otero Pedrayo, and Florentino López Cuevillas, along with associated figures like Antón Losada Diéguez and Alfonso Castelao, shared common characteristics: affluent backgrounds, strong intellectual foundations, a blend of traditionalism and progressive thinking, a dedication to education, and a distinctive prose style.

Vicente Risco, known for his work across various genres, produced didactic narratives with strong ideological undertones, such as O lobo da xente and Do caso que lle aconteceu ó doutor Alveiros. His satirical novel, O porco de pé, further exemplifies his literary prowess.

Ramón Otero Pedrayo excelled as a storyteller, exploring historical and cultural themes in works like Arredor de si and Devalar. His historical novel, A romaría de Xelmírez, and the collection of short stories, Contos do camiño e da rúa, showcase his versatility.

Alfonso Castelao, a prominent figure in the Galician nationalist movement, is renowned for his unique narrative style. His works, including Cousas and Retrincos, offer poignant reflections on Galician society and culture. His sole novel, Os dous de sempre, explores contrasting approaches to life through its two central characters.

The Xeración Nós: A New Wave of Innovation

The Xeración Nós (Our Generation), a group of writers born in the early 20th century, brought further innovation to Galician literature. Influenced by avant-garde movements, they primarily focused on poetry but also made significant contributions to prose. Rafael Dieste, a prominent member of this generation, is best known for his collection of short stories, Dos arquivos do trasno, characterized by its brevity, linguistic precision, and blend of religious and popular elements.

The Rise of the Essay and Journalism

The essay genre gained prominence during this period, with the Irmandades da Fala and Grupo Nós playing key roles in its development. Early essays primarily addressed political and cultural issues, often published in journals like A Nosa Terra and Nós. Notable essayists include Vicente Risco, Ramón Otero Pedrayo, Alfonso Castelao, and Florentino López Cuevillas, each exploring diverse themes ranging from Galician nationalism to travelogues and biographical reflections.

Journalism also underwent a transformation, with the emergence of illustrated press, magazines, and local newspapers. A Nosa Terra served as a mouthpiece for the Irmandades da Fala and the Galician Nationalist Party, while Nós magazine provided a platform for emerging writers and fostered connections with European literature. Avant-garde magazines like Alfar and Resol further enriched the Galician literary landscape.

The first third of the 20th century stands as a testament to the remarkable growth and diversification of Galician prose. The contributions of the Irmandades da Fala, Grupo Nós, and Xeración Nós, along with the rise of the essay and journalism, laid the foundation for a vibrant literary tradition that continues to evolve today.