19th Century European History: Nationalism, Revolutions, and Imperialism

19th Century European History: Key Concepts

Political Ideologies


A sense of unique identity and unity within a nation.


Advocates for individual freedom and limited government intervention.


Values tradition, social order, and established institutions.


Promotes collective ownership and control of the means of production.


Advocates for equal rights and opportunities for women.

Major Events and Figures

Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)

Restored monarchs to power after the Napoleonic Wars.

Principle of Intervention

European powers intervened in other countries to maintain order and suppress revolutions.


Reliance on military strength and the glorification of war.


Politics based on practical considerations rather than ideology or ethics.


A form of government where absolute power is held by a single individual or a small group.

Industrial Revolution

A period of significant technological advancements that transformed economies and societies.

Second Industrial Revolution

Further advancements in technology and industry, including the development of electricity, steel, and chemicals.


The policy of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization and other means.

Key Questions and Answers

What prevented the Austrian Hapsburgs from creating a centralized monarchy?

The Austrian Empire was a multi-national state with diverse ethnicities and languages, making it difficult to unify under a single central authority.

Where did the Industrial Revolution originate?

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the late 18th century.

What were the main motives for imperialism?

Economic interests, such as access to raw materials and markets, played a significant role in driving imperialism. Other motives included political power, national prestige, and the belief in the superiority of European culture.

What were the results of colonial economies in Southeast Asia?

Colonial economies in Southeast Asia were often based on plantation agriculture and the extraction of natural resources, leading to economic exploitation and environmental damage.

What was the “White Man’s Burden”?

The belief that Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize and modernize non-European peoples.

What was the cause of the Opium War?

The Opium War was caused by trade disputes between Britain and China, particularly over the opium trade.

What started the Tai Ping Rebellion?

The Tai Ping Rebellion was a large-scale revolt against the Qing Dynasty in China, fueled by social and economic grievances.

What caused the Boxer Rebellion?

The Boxer Rebellion was a violent anti-foreign and anti-Christian uprising in China, motivated by resentment towards foreign influence and the spread of Christianity.

Additional Topics

  • Rise of Nationalism in Europe
  • Revolutions of 1848
  • Unification of Italy and Germany
  • Labor Movements and Unions
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement
  • Scramble for Africa
  • Colonialism in India and Southeast Asia
  • Impacts of Imperialism