13.3 full story
2.La policy of the dictatorship and the international context: On 13 September 1923, the captain general of Catalonia, Miguel Primo de Rivera, made a coup and ruled against the constitution, declared martial law and demanded that power passed into the hands of dictatorship militares.La lasted 7 years (1923-1930) and had two stages: – Military Directory (1923-1925). It was an interim regime to resolve the outstanding issues (social unrest and war for Annual World) .- D irectory civil (1925-1930). Most of its members were civilians. They sought the institutionalization of the regime and showed greater interest in economic and social aspects. 2.1. The causes of the coup d’etat – the justification of the coup was the consideration that the constitutional system was blocked and discredited, and there was a danger of social unrest.– Primo inaugural presented a manifesto in which he announced his desire to rid the country of chiefs, ending political corruption, social indiscipline and also with threats to national unity. Indiscipline was aroused by the unions and the labor movement. – He had the pleasure of the king as they both wanted to avoid the responsibilities that could be derived from the disaster of Annual. – I wanted to prevent the democratization of the state since the last government proposed measures such as freedom of religion, reform of the Senate or the Electoral Law Reform. Not interested in a democratic state. 2.2. The reorganization of the State: The first steps of military directory (1923-1925) were the suspension of constitutional rule (constitucionde1876) ladisolucion of the courts and the political ban / / The militarized society and repressed the more radical workers movement (CNT ). Primo de Rivera claimed the power to rule on the basis of decrees, his. To eliminate warlordism, two statutes were developed: one local and one provincial. Were dissolved ayuntamientos.Se launching a new party, the Patriotic Union, which was an ideological agenda whose main objective was to provide social support to the dictatorship and follow its guidelines. / /Morocco’s war: from 1925 he initiated a policy of collaboration with France that included a coordinated military action in Alhucenas landing, which resulted in great success, Abd-el-Krim finally delivered in 1926. Since 1927 and the Spanish troops were terminating the occupation of the Protectorate / / During the civil Directory (1925-1930, the first attempt to institutionalize the regime for the creation of a National Consultative Assembly (formed in their 4 / 5 of x members of UP, elected by limited suffrage whose role was to advise and inform the dictator) in 1927. Peblicisto: Consultation on the proposal k soul undergoes a vote for or against