
going to fly and be sprinkled. (bloody – too graphic) He’s so graphic because he wants to make people afraid of what could happen to them. However, there’s a way they can avoid going to hell. God is giving you the opportunity to reconvert and go back to him; go back to religion. You must reconvert to acquire salvation.CONSEQUENCES OF THE GREAT AWAKENING:  Ecclesiastical: more people went to Church and believed in the institutions again. For this 
reason, there was a split in the Church that permitted different types of religion (not only puritan, for example) because there were so many believers. 
  Social: the country will be born without an established Church, so there was a democratization of church: it was not necessary to be elected to be member of the Church. That created a common identity. 
  Cultural: some colleges and universities started because of that, like Columbia (formed by Anglicans). There was also an increase of literary life: sermons were published. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION:Causes of the beginning of the protests: 1760: George III ascends to throne of Britain . 1763: French and Indian War > Proclamation Line . 1764-1765: Increase in taxes (Currency Act, Stamp Act…) 
People in America started seeing the British king as a tyrant and protests started. One important figure was Sam Adams. He was in the group “Sons of Liberty” and they decided to boycott the British not buying things imported from Britain. 
The British realized that they were being boycotted and then they sent the British army (the British Red Coats) to Boston, where Sam was. 
The Boston Massacre (1770) 
Americans saw the arrival of the British army as a provocation. Then, they decided to throw snowballs to the guard of the Custom (aduanas) and this guard asked for reinforcements. This affair ended with 5 dead people, who were considered the first martyrs of the American Revolution. This was published in newspapers and people started to feel that the British had some conflict with them. 
Sam Adams continued with his militant ideas making people aware of the different concept of patriotism that was arising – he was going to fight for American patriotism. 
In 1772, Sam Adams created the Committee of Correspondence, which was an unofficial government organized by patriot leaders. In this committee, they wrote the Statement of Rights and Grievances, in which they demanded the following: –  The taxes should not be imposed without American consent. –  No decisions should be made in the Parliament if American people cannot have 
representation in it. 
è No taxation without representation!This document was written to tell the British that they didn’t agree with what they were imposing. 
Issues with the East India Company, a company that imported tea, started. To get more money, they decided to come and sell tea directly to the shops without dealing with intermediaries.
The British were losing money with that. For example, in New York they decided to not let British ships stay, so the ships had to return. BOSTON TEA PARTY (1773)In Boston, a group of men, disguised as Native Americans, threw the tea overboard and the company lost all the money. The British king said: the colonies must either submit or triumph. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS (Philadelphia, September 1774): Delegates met in the Continental Congress (from the illegal government). George Washington stated the following: –  They must fight for their rights or submit to the British. –  If they submitted, they would be just as slaves, and slaves were treated badly. So they 
would need to fight. 
“the crisis is arrived when we must assert our rights, or submit to every imposition, that can be heaped upon us, till custom and use shall make us as tame and abject as slaves, as the blacks we rule over with such arbitrary sway” (George Washington) 
In the Continental Congress they wrote the Declaration of American Rights. They denied the British authority over the colonies (the British didn’t have the power). Moreover, they recommended to boycott the British not buying their products. Finally, they stated that the colonies had the right to create an army. 
British King’s responseàWAR“New England colonies are in a state of rebellion […] blows must decide whether they are to be subject to this country or independent” In April 1775 the war started. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (1775-1783):Before the Battle in Lexington and Concord (April, 75), there was the Second Continental Congress (May, 75) in which George Washington was elected commander-in-chief. In the Battle of Bunker Hill (June, 75) the American killed one thousand British, whereas the British only killed one hundred Americans.
Other documents were written by the Americans in these days:   Olive Branch Petition: this was sent to the British King. In it, Americans said that the 
reconciliation was still possible if British let them have representation in the Parliament. *At that time, not everyone was sure of the Independence idea.   Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms: basically they were saying that they needed to fight for their rights. 
George III, the British King, refused to read those documents and decided to pass the Prohibitory Act (December, 75) during the continuance of the present rebellion. So, the British King prohibited all trade with the American colonies, which is to say, no goods from anywhere could enter the colonies. 
Soon after, Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense, which initially was published anonymously. 
Report: Thomas Paine, Common Sense (February 1776)
The British had abused their power, the King didn’t want them in Parliament, people had been suffering… T. Paine would try to convince everyone that Independence was the only viable solution. 
The cause of America is in great measure the cause of all mankindàhe tries to make his text sound universal. 
ANONYMITY: By signing as the author (anonymous) he’s taking the role that every American can relate. Also, by not putting his name he’s saying that he’s objective. Moreover, by saying that independence was the only viable solution, he could had been accused for treason and killed by the British, so it the anonymity had been useful.