
A day without Internet (now we are fucked)

As a young man in my 20s and living in the 21st century, I did not have my first mobile phone or computer with Internet until when I was 13 years old.

During my childhood, I did not even know what Internet or Wi-fi was, so I used to play with my toys or practise sports whenever I was not at school. Furthermore, it was a time when my friends and I used to have a face to face conversation, better than using apps like WhatsApp to communicate. We were not only attached to a mobile phone’s screen every day, but also did not need to worry about Internet’s existence that we did not know about.

Due to the arrival of Internet, 21st century’s new born children would not find a life without any kind of electronical devices in their daily life. Even at schools, teachers have introduced education with books alongside computers.

A day without Internet (now we are fucked)
As a young man in my 20s and living in the 21st century, I did not have my first mobile phone or computer with Internet until when I was 13 years old.
During my childhood, I did not even know what Internet or Wi-fi was, so I used to play with my toys or practise sports whenever I was not at school. Furthermore, it was a time when my friends and I used to have a face to face conversation, better than using apps like WhatsApp to communicate. We were not only attached to a mobile phone’s screen every day, but also did not need to worry about Internet’s existence that we did not know about.
Due to the arrival of Internet, 21st century’s new born children would not find a life without any kind of electronical devices in their daily life. Even at schools, teachers have introduced education with books alongside computers.

Studying Abroad

In today’s world, it is common among students the idea of visiting another country as an alternative to study. Which are the reasons why those people want to leave their mother country? There exist an amount of advantages and disadvantages which every person in that situation should take into account.

Firstly, continuing developing skills in a language is important, due to it could help at the time of applying for a job in the future. Not only developing is important, but also learning a new language is useful for someone’s Curriculum Vitae. For instance, the three most spoken language in the world nowadays are English, Chinese and Spanish.

Moreover, another could be the possibility of meeting new people, make friends what is always fulfilling. Apart from language skills, communication and personal skills are improved.

On the contrary, some students feel stressed and devastated because they are far from their family and friends, what can end up in a mental illness. Although there are grants for students with excellent marks, travels and accommodation are expensive. That way, the chances of going abroad are fewer.

What is more, if a person does not want to study a language which is not used worldwide, the chances of meet people who speak that idiom are also fewer.

In conclusion, I reckon that studying abroad is a great opportunity to expand your mind, to learn new cultures, religions and languages and to meet new people, despite of they are native or from anywhere.

A near-death experience

Have you ever been close to a natural disaster which was very dangerous? Some of them could be hazardous, for example earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes or hurricanes. If people have faced one of those, they would have had to survive in every problematic situation that happened due to those calamities.

On one hand, can you imagine being abroad in a country where the highest temperature is lower than 0ºC? The first problem you would have to deal with is the cold. To solve that problem, wearing warm clothes is not always helpful. For instance, if it is raining or snowing, because of the cold that person could freeze up. Moreover, a solution in that case could be to light a fire. Not only saves people from freezing up, but also it is useful for cooking and drying clothes.

On the other hand, just think the opposite: the heat. If some goes on holiday to a place where the lowest temperature is over 30ºC, the heat could be too unhealthy. First of all, try to find some water if you have not brought it before. When you have it, it is important to save as much as possible. Furthermore, that heat can cause dizziness, provoking your fainting, which could be the end.

To sum up, these advices are no more than the basic ones. They were useful when I had to confront those problems that risked my life. Although they can look like little tips, even the smallest detail can be the most important.