


-Prescribe: What change


-Trait Theory vs behavioral theory

-EI: self/social awareness

       self/relationship management











-LMX: Leaders develop separate exchange relationships with each of their followers

          In Group/outgroup

-Sources of power: position, personal, resource, relationships

-currencies for getting power: inspiration, task, position, relationships, personal

When emotional intelligence is deficient in a situation and how to remedy that problem

• Looking outward and listening more for social awareness.

• A positive balance between your inner view of yourself as well as others.

• Allow yourself to be vulnerable and practice empathy.

• Recognize employee’s efforts and communicate frequently and effectively

– What cultural awareness entails

• a mindset where the individual pays careful attention to their own culture and others and is generally accepting of differences

– When cultural awareness is deficient in a situation and how to remedy that problem

·       Make a point to listen to people from other cultures and understand how our different cultures interact.

·       Understand how your behavior could affect those from other cultures

·       Go out of your way to work with those from other cultures and create diverse groups within your department

·       Have task forces that address the issue and hold events or HR presentations that highlight different cultures and intricacies of their culture

Wolfgang keller brodsky

Google CEO

managing up: grace

Jamie Turner-boss cardullo

Heidi Roizen

– How to manage your boss effectively

• know your boss’s needs

• Clarify your boss’s objectives in particular situations • Don’t make assumptions

• be sensitive to your boss’s work style • document, document, document

• Become more self-aware

• Develop a good, productive relationship

• ensure the right flow of information

• be dependable and honest

• Help your boss successful

– How to manage a difficult boss

• do your job

• Try in a non-confrontational way to get the boss to change his or her behavior • Build on relationships with others, particularly those higher

• Make sure the relationship with the boss doesn’t dominate your life

·        How to provide constructive feedback

• State the constructive purpose of your feedback

• Describe specifically what you have observed

• Describe your reactions and your observations of the effects on others • Give the other person an opportunity to respond

• Offer very clear and specific suggestions- avoid ambiguity

• express your support, summarize clearly, and follow up

• Make your feedback specific to related behavior

• success is typically correlated with how quickly management contacts the workers (managers often give information they perceive workers need instead of asking them directly what they need). Employees have unique perspectives on their area of expertise and can help managers and executives who only see the big picture. Also can help lessen the workload of the boss if there is more bottom-up leadership.

– When leading from the bottom up is appropriate

• Leading from the bottom up is appropriate when you are in a position in your company where it makes sense. You cannot be on your first week of the job as you need to develop some sort of network before. You should be comfortable with the people around you to become your leader. There is somewhat of a barrier of entry when it comes to trust with your coworkers.

– Possible deficiencies in leading from the bottom up and how to correct them

• Can be seen by other employees as trying to become the favorite of the boss (teacher’s pet). On the other hand, your boss can see this as you stepping over boundaries and trying to fill his roles. Could be seen as an insult. To solve both, you should clarify your intent to both sides. If you tell your coworkers and your boss that you are just trying to instill some motivation, they will understand your tactics.

–  The keys to success in managing individuals who are attempting to lead from the bottom up• start a movement 

• lead by example•  Ask your boss about how to become more visible and involved • find a good mentor • Excellent performance is always critical

-challenges of leading top-down

lack of participation of employees

influence from the wrong players

not enough conflict

how to be effective top-down

be true to your style of leadership

set effective goals// get employees to buy in