
2.Types of communication: KISS (keep it short and simple ) Verbal communication refers to the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally. is the first step in an international transaction. Make sure that the other part understand what we are trying to say. The difference between verbal and no verbalcommunication is that we can control the former. Oral communication is when spoken words are used. It is further divided into face to face orothers ( radio, telephone) Oral communication is influenced by tone, volumen, speed and clarity. ADVANTAGES: Quick feedback, By reading facial expressions we are able to see if someone is trustworthy. DISADVANTAGES: No time to think deeply, We can feel intimidated by the other part.Written communication: written signs or symbols are used. It is influenced by the vocabulary, gramar, style and clarity.  Internal written communication: Notes, reports External written communication: Email, letters,ADVANTAGES: Plenty of time to revise the message before it is sent. Allows the receiver to fully understand the content as well as sending an appropiate feedback.DISADVANTAGES: Does not bring an instant feedback, Takes more time to compose the message and it troubles some people with writing skills. Formal communication: Some situations require the proper tone and words, especially when talking to people that are in higher work positions. Informal communication: people usually use this when they have a good relationship and they know each other for a long period of time. Informal communication does not follow authority lines and it helps in building relationships. Internal communication : It takes place inside the company, this means, among the members of the different departments .VERTICAL: Downward: From the top to the bottom. ,Upward: From the bottom to the top.HORIZONTAL: This sort of communication takes place between members of the same level position (co-workers). External communication:It takes place outside the company, usually when trying to reach companies around the world and making business with them. Entry communication: It is born outside the company and it spreads inside . Exit communication: It is born inside the company and it spreads outside. Non verbal communication: is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. is all about the body language speaker. It has to be a match between verbal and non verbal communication. It helps receiver to interpretate the message reflecting the situation more accurately. 3 ELEMENTS: Appearance: People usually trust what they see with their own eyes, so in order to give the proper message we have to take care about the details.Body language: refers to various forms of non-verbal communication, where in a person may reveal clues as to some unspoken intention or feeling through their physical behaviour. It is a powerful tool to help you emphasise the important points in your speech .Gestures: A movement of a part of the body (usually hands or head) in order to express a meaning.Posture: Sit down rules. Sit down properly. Do not lay in the chair. Hands on the table.Smile:The warmth of your smile will not only warm the other part to you, but will transfer into your voice.smiling will make you appear self-assured and in control.Eye contact:Make eveyone feel you are speaking to them. Not having direct contact is cosidered frown upon unless there is any reason. Eye contact is further divided in social look, intimate look and look of power. Social look: When the look in your eyes is pointing under the eyes of the other part a social atmosphere is created. Intimate look: This look takes place between the eyes and the chest in short distances and between the eyes and the legs in long distances.Look of power: we create a threatening atmosphere and the other part notice that you are being serious.

Being expressive: means showing what someone thinks or feels. You have to take into account that the other party will look at you when you are speaking, so let both your face and your body help impart your message.  Hand movements:. the purpose of our hands is to use them  properly . They must be opened and we have to then to express ourselves. Mirroring:is the behavior in which one person subconsciously imitates the gesture speech pattern, or attitude of another. Mirroring often occurs in social situationsBad habbits:Human brain is a complicated tool sometimes. Before we actually know someone, our brain relies on snap judgements to try to categorize anticipating how we should react. Explamples: Leaning back too much ,Leaning forward , Breaking eye contact too soon, Nooding too much. Pointing with your hands, Fidgeting, Staring.  Sounds:. Based in the tonality and other aspects of our voice to influence the way somebody takes on board the information we are telling them. Tonalty: The meaning of any communciation is more about the tonalty that the actual words. This is why sometimes, the same words cab be taken as a joke or a serious statement. Tonalty is also important in keeping people interested. Speed of talking: It is important to understand that speed is something to take into account when talking, especially in specific topics. In business meetings try to adjust your speed