
the primary sector in our days: the primary sector comprises the activities that provide primary resources. this activities are: agriculture, livestock, fishing, and forest exploitation.

population dedicated to the primary sector represnt the 40% of the total active population worldwide. productivity of the primary sector increases each year, but its economic weight decreases with respect.

in developed countries, the primary sector employs a small % of the active population, between 1% and 5%. they have a high productivity due to the technical advances. the contribution of national wealth is reduced, less than 4 of GDP

under developed countries: this sector ocuppies an average of half of the population and contributes more than 10 of GDP. in poores states, agricultural ativities come to occupy 80% of the population and contribute in more than 24% of gdp.

agrarian landscape: is the result of the practice of the activities of the primary sector. the main physical elements are the relief, the soil and the climate. the relief conditions the type of agrarian landscape. into the altitude (at higher altitudes, temperatures fall) and gradient (difficult to cultivate land)
the soil: plants absorb from the soil the substances they need and each type of plant requires a terrai with certain characteristics. the climate: each plant needs certain conditions of temperature, sulight, and humidity to survive.

there are 2 types of settlement:

dispersed settlement: houses are spread out across the countryside, cultivate lands and fields arround the house.

concentrated settlement: homes and buildings are grouped togetjer forming a village, around farmlands and pastures.

agricultural explotation is the physical space in which the activities balonging to an economic unit of the same owner are developed.

types of farming:

intensive farming: uses the land to the maximum of its capacity (maximum productivity)

extensive agriculture: is practised in large parcels. production is higher.

watering systems:

irrigated farming: water is taken from artificial sources such as irrigation channels.

rainfed farming: are developed with the water they recive from the rain.

monoculture: a single type of crop is grown. this type is mechanised and produce large quantities of a product

polyculture: several types of crops are grown.

commercial agriculture:it objective is to obtain the maximum incomes possible. it use advanced technology. it apperas normaly in developed countries.

traditional agriculture: te objective is to obtain the enough food to survive. normally they use polyculture.

extensive cereal farming: it is highly mechanised and very profitable. typical crops are cereals and oliseed.

mediterranean agriculture: it is practised in the mediterranean coast or near to it.

plantation: is practised in the under developed countries.it requires large farms.

extensive dryland farming: is praticed in areas of savannah through a crop rotatin system.

irrigated rice farming: is planted in the land where flooded rice is grown. is a plant of high productivity because it produe several harvest per year.

the livestock is the raising of somestic animals for obtaining food or derivatives, or as a work force. the new technologies have increased the production and facilitated the transport of livestock products.

sedentary farming: is one in which the cattle do not move to obtain the food.

nomadic livestock: is the one who is constantly moving in search of pastures and also requires the movement of the population.

extensive livestock farming develops on large farms. it is practised in developed, under developed and emerging countries.it productivity is low.

coastal fishing: is carried out along with the coast in small boats or medium boats and with artisanal methods.

deep-sea fishing:is carried out on high seas, with large tonnage ships withmodern technical instruments.

fishing grounds are the areas in which they are concentrated the kind of fishing. the best fishing grounds are located in the continental platforms where it grows the plakton.

forestry is a widspread economic activity in our planet. forest are exploted to obtain wood and other forest products.

intensive farming is carried out in holdings specializing in a particular species.

fishing production has increased in the last decade. a 85% of the catch is destined for human consumption. the rest is used as raw materials to produce fishmeal and oil.

primary sector in spain:
primary sector in spain has reduced its importance. spain is one of the countries of the ue with more powerfull primary sector. the agrarian and fishing products constitute the raw materials of many of our indusries.. about 15% of spanish exports come from food. spanish agriculture is characterized by a great diversity of production. the livetock has a significant weight, as contributes 355 OF THE VALUE OF THE FINAL AGRICULTURAL production. spain occupies the first position of the EU by size of the fleet. de 2 place per volume of catches and the 2 place also by capita consumption of fish.