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–Earthquake: All sudden ground motion produced by the passage of seismic waves through the Earth’s tectonic plates.
–Flood: When water spills over generally dry terrain, ct creates a flood. A normally dry area might get flooded by rising water in an existing conduit, like a river, stream, or drainage ditch.
–Tsunami: Tsunamis are ocean waves brought on by large earthquakes near or beneath the ocean, volcanic explosions, landslides beneath the sea, and coastal landslides that release a lot of debris into the water.
–Landslide: This is when large blocks of a rock slide down the slope.
–Tornado: A thunderstorm in the atmosphere and a violently rotating column of air that is in touch with the earth’s surface make up a tornado.
-Hurricanes: A powerful storm that can completely destroy coastal locations.
–Wildfires: These are non-accidental forest fires in natural areas, such as forests.
–Sinkhole: An underground hole without any external surface drain. Essentially, this means that all the rainwater that falls stays inside the sinkhole and usually sinks into the soil.
–Volcanic eruption: When magma and gases are ejected from a volcano, usually explosively, it is known as an eruption.
–Avalanche: The rapid flow of snow down a slope, such as a mountain or hill, is known as an avalanche.
Desert: Deserts are dry ecosystems that take up around one-fifth of the planet’s land area and have annual precipitation rates of less than 25 centimeters. Despite the fact that certain deserts are extremely hot, with daytime temperatures of up to 54°C, some deserts endure frigid winters or are always cold.
Taiga: The taiga or boreal forest is a biome characterized by its coniferous forest formations, being one of the largest forest masses on the planet. Taigas are rich in natural resources, containing large pieces of land where oil, gas, and other important mineral reserves are found.
Tundra: Tundras are cold regions, with harsh temperatures, short growing seasons, and harsh conditions. In fact, plants and animals in the region need special adaptations to survive.
Tropical Rainforest: A rainforest is characterized by towering, mostly evergreen trees, and heavy rainfall. Rainforests are the Earth’s oldest living ecosystems, with some persisting for at least 70 million years in their current state.Despite covering only 6% of the Earth’s surface, they are immensely diverse and complex, housing more than half of the world’s plant and animal species. Around the Amazon River in South America and the Congo River in Africa, are the largest jungles on Earth located.
Temperate Forest: These are sub-humid to temperate-humid ecosystems, with annual rainfall between 600 and 1,000 mm. They grow on very varied soils ranging from loamy to sandy and moderately acidic, usually with abundant organic matter and leaf litter. These communities are dominated by tall trees, mostly pines and oaks, accompanied by several other species that inhabit mountainous areas with temperate to cold climates.
Grassland: Grassland is an extension of land characterized by the presence of abundant grass. Much of our planet is covered by grasslands that can present various characteristics, which leads to its classification into the following types: prairies, pampas, steppes, savannah, and plains.
Savanna: The savanna is a type of ecosystem formed by a large plain covered with grasslands and herbs in which there are few scattered trees. Savannas are located in tropical and subtropical areas and are characterized by being a transition zone between the semi-desert and the jungle.
What is sustainable development?
Sustainable development is the ability to satisfy human needs in the present time, without implying compromising the satisfaction of future needs. That is, the possibility that human activity in the region does not deplete natural resources to the point where future human survival is endangered. Sustainable development requires taking into account the use of natural resources and at the same time considering the social impact that includes specific points. Examples of these points are health, the security of working conditions that allow thepopulation a sufficient income to satisfy their needs, etc. In other words, a profitable and stable activity. To achieve sustainable development, great efforts are required on the part of governments, families and companies. That is why they are topics on the international political agenda for the fulfillment of commitments and to evaluate the progress that has been made on this issue.the population
The Human Development Index is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and having a decent standard of living.
Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. As it could present advantages, it can also show disadvantages, for example:
–Economic growth: Increased globalization leads to greater economic growth for all parties.
-Increased Global Cooperation: In order for a globalized economy to exist, all the nations must put aside their conflicts and differences, and work together.
–Extension of human rights: The dissemination of the values and rights set forth in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights signed in 1948 has not ceased to grow. Globalization functions here in two main ways: as a disseminator of these rights and as an instrument of control against their violations.
–Linguistic exchange: The cultural permeability favored by social networks is one of the factors favoring linguistic exchange across the planet. Another is the emergence of online platforms offering television series that have become global cultural phenomena. Video games, music and cinema have become even more global and have served, above all, to make English the most widely used lingua franca in recent decades. In this global space, Spanish has also been gaining ground.
–Increased competition: Individual companies, organizations, and workers can be disadvantaged by global competition, possibly prejudicing its economy.
–Disproportionate growth: Globalisation can produce disproportionate growth both between and within countries.
–Different laws and regulations: Because laws and regulations differ from one jurisdiction to another, multinational firms frequently get away with providing employees with poor, unsafe, unethical, or harmful working conditions.
–Lack of nearby establishments: The policies promoting globalization sometimes favor enterprises with the infrastructure and resources to operate their supply chains or distribution across numerous nations, which can exclude small local businesses
The concept of the nation-state has been a major political, social and cultural force in the modern world. The nation-state is an independent body created by the people to run a country. It is responsible for the security, development, and administration of a nation-state and will fight for the country’s independence. Most people are proud of their nation-state and will fight for its existence.
The nation-state was created to provide a central authority to administer a country. Prior to 1900, most countries were administered by countries located such as the United States or the United Kingdom. These countries had many independent states under their jurisdiction. Beginning with World War I, leaders realized that it was too difficult and costly to fight between these states. It was time to create a unified nation-state to ensure peace among them. After the world unexpectedly won World War II, this idea World War II, this idea was popularized internationally and became common practice.
Current major international conflicts:
Russia-Ukraine: On 24 February 2022, the army of Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the war that started in 2014, the Russo-Ukrainian War. The invasion caused tens of thousands of deaths, both Ukrainians and Russians, it also caused Europe’s largest refugee crisis since World War II. Within five weeks of the invasion, Russia had its greatest emigration since the 1917 October Revolution. The invasion has also caused global food shortages. The irruption began on the morning of 24 February, when president Vladimir Putin blazed a special military operation aiming at the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. Putin claimed that Ukraine was governed by neo-Nazis who afflicted the ethnical Russian minority. A few moments later, missiles, rockets, and airstrikes hit Ukraine, including the capital Kyiv.