
* 1/2 the world’s population lives on less than ____ a day – $2.50
* 1st World Countries – developed countries; have a high GNP; stable governments and economies; developed infrastructure; efficient markets; technological advancements
* 2nd world countries – countries with command-market economies or communist countries in which the central government controls all economic processes
* 3rd world countries – developing countries; unstable governments and economies; high mortality, poverty, and/or education rates
* 4th world – extreme bands of poverty and socio-economic/political instability within a developed nation
* 5 Principles of Liberation theology – Preferential option for the poor, ideology critique, use of scripture to empower, use of the PRAXIS method, base communities
* Bindings – an agricultural practice of leaving a portion of a field unharvested each harvest season as a way of giving back to the earth and leaving some of the Earth’s products in the ground
* Examples of 1st world countries – US, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand
* Examples of 2nd world countries – China, North Korea, Cuba
* Examples of 3rd world countries – Yemen, Chad, Conga
* Examples of 4th world countries – the Ozarks, the Appalachian Trail, Native american territories, many overpopulated and poor areas of India
* Factors of the Cycle of Poverty – business, crime, education, environment
* Four Main Causes of Global Poverty – colonial past, overpopulation, multinational corporations, social/political environment
* Gaudium et Spes – on the Church in the Modern World – 1965- Pope John 23, Vatican II; the Church has to be involved in actively making a difference in the world; mass on Sunday should empower us to actively go out into the world and make a difference
* How does the Agricultural Department contribute to hunger in America – it subsidizes large corporation farms’ production of the basic ingredients of processed foods (food items like wheat and corn); This hurts small, family-run farms that focus on producing wholesome food items like fruits and vegetables; since the money is in the unhealthier foods, many farms only produce those making it more difficult for impoverished areas to have access to healthy food options
* How many people lack access to viable drinking water – 1 billion people; but this number is most likely actually larger because many people have * Cost-dependent access to water
* Jubilee – a forgiveness of one’s debts that occurs after 7 years; took place in early church communities; allows people to start over with a clean state and to not be held back by debt
* Justicia in Mundo – 1971- Synod of Bishops; “If you want peace, work for Justice;” when people’s needs are met they have no reason to go to war; during this time, billions of dollars were being spent on nuclear weapons, taking food away from many people
* Matthew 25 – When I was hungry, you fed me. When I was thirsty, you gave me drink. When I was naked, you clothed me. When I was sick, you cared for me. When I was alone and imprisoned, you visited me.
* Miracle of the Loaves (numbers) – 5 loaves + 2 fish = 7 which is number of perfection
12 baskets are left over= number of promise
(John’s) they were split into groups of 50 which means life or generation= we have enough to sustain our generation if we are willing to share
Miracle of the Loaves: What bread is in John’s Gospel – Barley bread- the bread of the poor; the bread that feeds the masses is the bread of the poor
* Popularum Progressivo- On the Development of the People – 1967- Pope Paul 6; as a church we need to look more towards social justice instead of just charity; justice addresses the issues that require charity; Catholic Relief * Services- moved to help social justice movements- help people become self-sufficient
* Pygmalion in the Classroom – experimenters told teachers 20% of students were unusually gifted, by which teachers had no knowledge were * Chosen by random – 8 mo. later those 20% showed significantly greater IQ gains than others -why? they received more praise, feedback, time invested
The two Main Ideas from Economic Justice for All (1986, USCCB) – 1) we need to be conscientious consumers
2) the decline of the family farm will cause major problems for all of us
* Tithe – a donation of 10% of one’s earnings to the poor and underprivileged in a community
* What is a food desert? – an urban area that lacks access to healthy, wholesome foods because of far proximity from supermarkets or grocery stores; These areas may have small consignment stores that carry highly processed foods, that contribute to the area’s obesity; they occur because of limited resources of small farms that inhibit them from delivering their foods to far-away locations
* What is one of the main problems with welfare in America? – the system makes it difficult for families to escape poverty; to receive government help, they need to be in extreme poverty, once they begin to earn money (at a very small level) they will no longer qualify for government help; this dissuades many Americans from looking for work or taking higher paying jobs
* Where was Gutierrez from? – Lima, Peru; he worked as a med student, and later as a priest,among impoverished nations in Peru
* Who created liberation theology – Gustavo Gutierrez